Receipt Builds Loyalty
Dr. Kong Healthy Shoes Shop
- To build customer loyalty for healthy shoes market in the simplest way.
Turned a receipt into a hassle-free loyalty program
- We developed a persistent loyal program with an owned app for Dr Kong.
- By scanning a unique QR code on each receipt, customers’ purchase histories were stored into the app.
Collected big data for personalized user experience
- With these big data collected through each purchase, the highly intelligent CRM system at the back-end would do the target group segmentation seamlessly.
Driven recurring business over the life cycle of each customer
- Based on the scanned purchase records, it reminded individual customers at the right time when they needed a new checking or new replacement.
Provided the foot and spine tips regularly to consolidate professional image and maintain customer relationships
- The tips cover all different foot care concerns at all ages, from baby, child, man, lady to elderly.
Mobile CRM fostered the customer loyalty with personalized experience
- There’s an over 50% increase in loyalty members compared to their traditional loyalty program the previous year.
Successfully driven more repurchases from our targets
- One out of three customers revisited Dr. Kong regularly and sales profits increased by 30%.